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What we are going to do until the Easter break 2011? -> Week 13-15 Preparing for the National tests!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The most common mistakes in the letters

Here are the most common mistakes in the letters. You will all get individual comments on your private blogs. Although, it might be interesting for you to see what most students have to practice on.

Big letters:
I (jag)
In the beginning of sentences

Possessive pronouns:
my – mine
your – yours
his – his
her – hers
its -
our – ours
their – theirs

Genitive - where to put the apostrophe:
my sister's bike - min systers cykel
my sisters' bikes - mina systrars cyklar

Shorten words (put the apostrophe where the letter you left out was supposed to be):
It is – it's
Does not – doesn't
I am – I'm

Verbs – present tense:
He, she and it in present time add “s” =
I play – he plays
We run – she runs etc.

Irregular verbs in present tense:
Are: Have: Do:
I am have do
You are have do
He/she/it is has does
We are have do
You are have do
They are have do

With “s” :
one car – many cars
one song – many songs

Irregular plural:
one man – many men
one child – many children

If you want to study grammar - go to:

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