Plans for this semester

What we are going to do until the Easter break 2011? -> Week 13-15 Preparing for the National tests!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Literature discussions – starting in week 45

Today is your last day on your work practice. I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Monday again. Now it's back to school with a pretty hectic month ahead, even though you have a week off for fall/autumn break in week 44.

Here are some information about what happens after week 44.

You are going to discuss the book you've read together with classmates in groups of 5-6 students. I'm going to observe the groups and grade both how well you present your book and how well you participate in the discussion. Therefore, there can only be one group at a time. The rest of the students will get a booklet each with English exercises that will help you improve your written English. It's important that you all behave and work well during the following 1-2 weeks so that I can concentrate on the group that has their oral presentation and discussion.

Here is some information that is interesting to know about your books:
3.Number of pages
4.Level of difficulty
5.The story
6.The characters
7.Your impression

Here are some questions to pull during the discussion:
How long did it take to read the book?
Did you borrow the book from school?
What did you learn from reading the book?
Which character did you like the most?
What was the most interesting part of the book?
Was the book on the right difficulty level for you?
Would you recommend the book?
And so on...

It's important that you prepare yourself before the presentation and the discussion. We'll talk more about this on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

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