Plans for this semester

What we are going to do until the Easter break 2011? -> Week 13-15 Preparing for the National tests!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Instructions for the oral presentation and the literature discussion

The class is divided into 3-4 discussion groups.

Every lesson, one group will leave the classroom and join Åsa in the ”group room”.

The rest of the students have to stay in the classroom.
Sit by yourselves - not next to another student.

Work in your booklet ”Improve your English” individually.

If you have any questions, ask a classmate (whisper) or do another exercise while you wait for Åsa to return to the classroom at the end of the lesson.

No one is allowed to leave the classroom during the lesson! Åsa will check the attendance at numerous of occasions.

The key to the exercises will be handed out at the end of each lesson.

You are supposed to finish a number of exercises for each lesson, otherwise you will have to do it as your homework!

If you behave and work well, you will get to listen to the radio (Lugna favoriter) during the lesson.